will last the great ballerinas in Coral mine:) In the H & M stores, I was unfortunately unsuccessful, because nowhere was it more my size. I was happier than she was suddenly in the online shop! Well, and because it never stays in one piece, I'm still little bit upon to keep it if I do not, of course;) Above all, the linen, it has done to me, however, fits so great for spring!
At Zara I also stopped by, and of course also discovered some nice things there. I have not ordered, maybe I stop by looking in a store, because Zara things I have to always try on principle. The bag I find, however, very great, especially since I've seen in Summer :) a 49.95 € not just a Bargain, but it looks quite good quality, and through the strap, I find it great! Maybe I can find them in the city, otherwise I'll probably order it. also bought her a love online or you prefer to stroll from shop to shop? Have you already purchased spring things?
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